Caravanserai Astrology and Aromatherapy by Laura Lynne Crandall 
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A Little Shakespeare

Lines from A Midsummer Night's Dream; or  -  how to view the pages at the Caravanserai Cafe.

"If we shadows have offended 

(if the actors here on the stage of life or the caravan mistress have offended you),  

think but this and all is mended 

( just look at it as fun intended): 

that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear, 

(since life is but a dream in some sense, you are dreaming this whole thing anyway, or maybe daydreaming especially if you are at work and doing this to kill a little time) 

and this weak and idle theme is no more yielding than a dream"

(just remember we did our best to entertain you but if it didn't,  just think of it as a dream you can wake from and leave after all ). 

(We take our bow and bid adieu, adieu, adieu, adieu, we say good bye to our visitors)

Midsummer Night's Dream

—Will Shakespeare 

(with commentary from Lynne)


the Caravanserai Cafe

East Lansing

Enjoy yourself at the Caravanserai Cafe, an eclectic  collection and review of the of this site.

For Lynne's astrology column in Lansing State Journal's Noise Magazine, serving East Lansing and Michigan State University, click on your sign above above or click on Noise link and look under Boredom Busters. 

For Lynne's Crandall Press professional media web site, go to

To inquire about her astrology column, email her at 

Where Lynne is appearing 

Astrology and aromatherapy services

Tarot  Weekly Tarot Spread

Bio on Charles Jayne - Father of modern technical Astrology who wrote a weekly astrology column for the New York Daily News

Site on noted astrologers with astrology columns

Story of Perfume, Caravanserai - The Story of Perfume - Join our travelers at the historical caravanserai's ( inn's along the caravan route - the Silk Road and Spice Road) - they trade perfume oils and stories  with figures like Marco Polo.  It was along the caravan routes that exotic perfume oils were first traded.  You soon will be able to order these exotic goods from the order section.

Monthly Perfume Blend for the month with some perfume lore

Roland De Mars my French teacher


Planetary Changes Monthly (Full Moon, New Moon, planet sign changes, void moon chart, significant aspects, unusual celestial events, etc.)

Why AstrologyWhat famous people and others have to say about their experience with astrology.  

Perfume/ Aromatherapy Recommended books

Alchemy line of Natural Perfumes with astrology package options

White Rose of Provence Store - Thanks to all of you from around the globe who have been so complimentary about our SunSign perfume essences!  We are glad you like them!  

NEW Feng Shui tools for relationships available on this site coming 

Paintings featured on this web site were done by a group called The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.  These were  English and a few American artists who formed an association in 1848 to recapture the beauty and simplicity of the medieval world, taking much of their subject matter from mythological and medieval tales.   They identified Raphael (Italian, 1483-1520) with the scientific interests of Renaissance art.  They aimed to study nature, to sympathize with what is true and heartfelt in earlier art, and to infuse their works with literary symbolism, bright colors, and attention to detail. 

Remember a web site is always a work in progress, just like life. There is lots more to come.

Visit Lynne for your astrology chart and your own blend of natural perfume at her office, just minutes from Michigan State University and Lansing's Capitol Complex.

Lynne Crandall Tel:  1- 517- 371- 8495     Web site by Lynne Crandall All Rights Reserved White Rose of Provence 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2006, 2007
