Caravanserai Astrology and Aromatherapy       

by Laura Lynne Crandall 

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The Astrologer

A Little Shakespeare

"There are more things on Heaven and Earth than dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."

Act I, Scene V, Hamlet

the Caravanserai Cafe

Bio on Astrologer Charles Jayne

For Lynne's astrology column, click on your sign above above , go to Lansing State Journal's Noise  Hub web page and look under Boredom Busters. It is also in the Battle Creek Enquirer Wow!

Bio by Micheal Erlewine on the Matrix website

For over nine years, he and his wife Vivia (a first-rate astrologer in her own right) wrote what has been called the best daily newspaper astrology column in the business. It appeared in the New York Daily News.

More on Charles Jayne 

"This was in the days when Al Morrison was secretly ghosting the daily horoscope column for the New York Post and Charles Jayne was doing the same for the Daily News"...from article by John Townley "When Uranus Meets Mars"



Remember a web site is always a work in progress, just like life. There is lots more to come.

Visit Lynne for your astrology chart and your own blend of natural perfume at her office, just minutes from Michigan State University and Lansing's Capitol Complex.


Please contact us with any questions or requests about our services.  Lynne Crandall - Astrologer and Aromatherapy Consultant 

Tel: 517- 371- 8495                                                              


Copyright 2000 - 2006  All Rights Reserved Website design Lynne Crandall White Rose of Provence, Crandall Press

Lynne Crandall AstrologerWeekly Column Lansing State Journal's NoiseAstro-Aromatherapy natural perfumes for each sign